December 28, 2021
Are you looking to get started with online poker? Start by learning all basic poker terms and poker slang involved. Poker involves a lot of jargon that can easily intimidate a beginner.
But surprisingly, most of these poker lingo are pretty easy to decipher. So, this article looks at the most widely used words in the game of poker.
Ace - An ace is the highest-ranked poker card. However, an ace can also represent the lowest ranking card with a face value of 1.
Action - This term refers to the player’s turn to act. You might be told, "it’s your action."
Add-on - This refers to a rebuy in poker tournaments. In rebuy competitions, gamers can purchase more chips regardless of the stack size.
All-in - Being all-in is when the player has all their stacks inside the pot. In other words, the player bets the entire chips in one hand.
Bad game - This is a game where you come against outstanding opponents. In a bad game, the player is the underdog.
Big blind - A big blind is a compulsory poker online bet used in variants like Texas Hold’em, where an ante bet doesn’t apply.
Bleed - A bleeding player is anyone who loses their chips consistently during gameplay.
Bluff - To bluff is to make a weak hand look strong and vice-versa. In plain words, bluffing involves playing a weak hand, hoping to fold a stronger one.
Boxed card - A poker card shuffled upside-down in the deck.
Bust - Lose all you playing chips.
Buy-in - The initial funds used to purchase chips and start playing.
Call - This is when the action player matches the bet made by a preceding player.
Check - Declining to bet or raise when it’s your action.
Check-raise - A deceptive play where a gamer checks before raising after another player bets.
Cut-off - The action player preceding the dealer or button.
Dead hand - This is any poker hand that can no longer win the pot.
Dead money - This term is commonly used in antes and blinds to refer to money in the pot but not anyone’s bet. A good example is funds contributed by players who have folded.
Deal - To give players cards according to the game rules. The person who deals cards is called the dealer.
Donkey - A weak player on the table or the underdog.
Early position - Poker players supposed to act first are in an "early position." "Late position" players act later.
Equity - This is the player’s probability of winning the pot. For example, suppose a pot has $100, and you contribute $50, it means you have a 50% chance of winning it.
Exposed card - An exposed card is a card that has been deliberately or accidentally revealed.
Face cards - Cards with the rank of King, Queen, and Jack.
Five of a kind - This is a poker hand with cards of similar rank. It’s the best possible poker hand, beating even the royal flush.
Flop - The first three revealed community cards dealt simultaneously.
Fold - This is when a player opts to drop out of the pot instead of raising or calling.
Full house - A poker hand with two and three cards of similar rank. For example, a poker hand can have A-A-8-8-8.
Good game - This is a game where most players on the table are weaker than you.
Heads up - A pot contested by two players only.
Hole card - The face-down card dealt to the player.
Hooks - A pair of jacks.
Insurance - These are deals cut between players before a hand is resolved. Often, players agree to split or reduce the pot.
Jackpot - A jackpot is a bonus paid to the player who loses with a strong hand. In games like Hold’em, the player will have to lose with aces full or better to qualify.
Kicker - Sometimes called a side card, a kicker is a card that doesn’t determine the hand ranking. However, it can decide the better hand between two closely-matched hands.
Limp - To join a pot by merely calling. Such players would’ve initially folded in a raise.
Monster - A big hand.
Nit - A tight and passive player who avoids confrontations on the table.
Over bet - A bet size more than the pot during a no-limit game.
Pair - Two poker cards of similar rank.
Pass - To check or fold.
Pocket - The player’s unique cards that only them can see.
Raise - To wager more amount compared to the initial bet.
Rebuy - Purchase additional chips after a buy-in. This is common in poker tournaments.
Reraise - To raise after another player has raised.
Rock - A rock is a conservative player who plays only a handful of hands. Usually, they continue with strong hands only.
Royal flush - The highest possible poker hand of the same suite. For instance, A-K-Q-J-10 of diamonds.
Shark - A good poker player.
Stack - The total funds a player has on the table currently.
Straight - Five sequential cards of mixed suits.
Tap out - When a player loses all their money.
Three of a kind - Three cards of similar rank.
Tight - A player who plays fewer hands than usual.
Two flush - Two cards of a similar suite.
Upcard - A card dealt face-up.
Thando Dlamini, a vivacious 22-year-old from South Africa, seamlessly blends her love for the vibrant world of online casinos with her meticulous localization skills, making the digital gaming experience truly South African.